Patching of the Skype for business front
end pool is critical as well as very risky. Certain steps needs to be followed
for SFB pool patching. Below are the steps to follow during patching of SFB
Verify the replica status of the pool
running below
Get-CsPoolFabricState -PoolFqdn
If the result shows any missing replicas
fix/recover the same using below command
Reset-CsPoolRegistrarState -ResetType
If you are applying Cumulative Updates to
SFB servers verify the upgrade readiness state before applying CU
If the result is not ready wait till the
readiness of the upgrade domain. Apply the cumulative updates based on the
Upgrade domain
Once both the commands are verified
failover the computer which is going to be patched first.
Invoke-CsComputerFailOver -ComputerName
<Front End Server to be patched>
Apply the patches to the server
Run the below command once the server
returned back after patching.
Invoke-CsComputerFailBack -ComputerName
<Front End Server patched>
Follow the above steps on each Front End
servers one by one.